hello thank you for this article. but I have a concern, because when I perform an analysis nmap on my windows 7 with the inactive firewall I see for example that the port 445 is open, from then on I use the scanner smb to know if my target of evaluation is vulnerable to exploit ms17010eternalblue. but when I activate the firewall I see that the ports are filtered. my question is how in this case, when the firewall is active how to know open ports? are there nmap parameters that can bypass the firewall and display all ports open as if there were no firewall? or is there another way to do it? please help me thank you
Ipcalc windows 7
ipcalc is a simple way to calculate the IP information of a host. The various options indicate what information ipcalc should display on the standard output. Multiple options can be specified. An IP address on which to operate must be specified. Most operations also require a network mask or CIDR prefix. 2ff7e9595c